That's not the actual photographs but rather for the site that the photographs are on. I'm going to perform a double blind test here, using two photographic terms combined with another photographic term for a combined unique photographic term to test this out. My first will be a choice of lenses and film speed like 50mm100isodepth which would yield a shallow depth of field under ample light if the aperture was stopped down to a 50mmf2.8aperture or better. My photographs have improved since I bought the 50mm 1.8 lens.
Surprise! Here is another test. This post has already been indexed (but the target hasn't yet), but will Google come back and pick up this new paragraph? I'll test it by using this keyword: My camera has lots of features, but a potsrettuhs isn't among them. It isn't in the Google index either.
Amazing! Google picked up the update in less than a minute! Updating posts, then, has definite value.